Saturday, February 07, 2004

Random thoughts getting home drunk:

Have a dream. Aim for the stars, you might actually catch one, even if it is a falling one. This might sound like old time witticisms... If you start acting realistic you loose the possibility to change the world. If you do not set out to change the entire world you won't change anything. Have dreams, try to do things unrealistic, try to reach the stars....

Walking around the city, seeing a lot of young people walking from party to party. Their only purpose seems to get drunk, to loose notion of the world around them, to get rid of their frustration. These guys do not have dreams, they already gave up changing the world. They look like pathetic people already old centuries, most of them not being in their twenties... Everybody thinking only about himself, not trying to catch a star, not trying to catch more stars to give to other people...

Why not be crazy, why not aim for the big dream? If you do not try, you have already lost.

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