Saturday, January 26, 2008

Herr Doktor

You may now call me Herr Doktor and I officially don't have to object anymore. Everything went well in my final exam and the only thing missing is now the printed version of my thesis, which I have to hand in in eight copies soon...

Besides this I went to a quite nice party in a students residence tonight where I again discovered that I am too old and too intellectual to actually chat up girls. They were actually quite nice and I would have appreciated any success, but most of them were still kids (besides being 25+). Very strange, indeed.... Maybe I should get more drunk at parties.


nuno said...

Parabéns camarada!

phil said...

Congratulations on passing your exam. Better luck at the next party.

Mr. E said...

the girls at juggling clubs/festivals/parties always love to talk physics and kinesiology ;)