Thursday, October 04, 2007

Ich habe fertig.

At least partially. Today I finished the first draft of my thesis. I think I still have to include some corrections, but that should be a matter of days. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, right now I should hear the sounds if it were a train...


Anonymous said...

Daaas hört sich doch wirklich gut an! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Meine erste Korrekturfahne kam ziemlich rot bzw. grün (mein Chef konnte sich wohl keinen echten Lehrerstift leisten :-) zurück, aber die Korrekturen gingen erstaunlich schnell.
Meld dich mal wieder!


MarkusPhotoBlog said...


phil said...

Congratulations! Your post spurred me on to write a post myself.

Regarding your title, there is a relatively new Trapattoni press conference. I like the hand motions and whistling at 0:25.

phil said...

There is also a longer version of the new Trapattoni clip. He signs off with the equally good: "Sprechen Über".

Halfway through his tirade he stops to ask his assistant what the past form of "beweisen" is. Wonderful.

I used to think that mocking Trapattoni for his poor command of German was unfair, but when he loses it he really makes no sense. I have heard from foreigners who make similar language mistakes but at least they try to make logical arguments.

nuno said...

Já podes vir cá passar uns dias com a malta! Parabéns!