Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Writing theses sucks. You stop having social contacts because you are always busy with writing. In the short times where you wait for your software to run you mailbomb friends and the time you are neither working or writing you annoy your surroundings by being generally weird. Not a good time to meet people...


nuno said...

Não é por falta de convite que não estás com o pessoal! Boa escrita (e que acabe depressa). Um abraço, Nuno.

Anonymous said...

Kopf hoch, Zähne zusammen beißen und ran an den Mist! Wenn man erstmal in der dunkelgelben Gemütsstufe angekommen ist klappt das mit der Schreibmotivation häufig von ganz alleine, weil man die Sache endlich vom Tisch haben will.
Also hau rein und fertig is!