I bought a new mobile phone. My old Siemens SK65 started to annoy me by being generally shaky and having a flickering display (as you might have noticed I am not that into Flickring anymore...)
So I got a Nokia, it has WLAN, can do VOIP, has lots of other stuff with fancy abbreviations. And it can talk to a GPS via bluetooth. So I bought a bluetooth GPS mouse. I tried the Nokia Sports Tracker which is quite cool but cannot do a lot. It can do tracking though.
I then found AFTrack, which can do everything, from tracking to moving map. If you use a bitmap map, you need to calibrate it, which really sucks doing with the mobile's keypad and it is really slow. So I tried to find a better way...
AFTrack can read OziExplorer map files. OziExplorer can read GeoTIFF with a plugin (via Import Map->Import single DRG Map). So taking a scanned map, reading it in GRASS, marking coordinates in GRASS, saving as GeoTIFF, transfering to my Laptop (Windows...) to read it in OziExplorer and save as map-file. Then editing the map file by hand to convert from UTM to Latitude/Longitude using a web-based converter. Then saving it on the microSD card of my mobile, importing it in AFTrack and voilá, now I know where I am and find my way around Erlangen. Not that I didn't before...
(If you ask now why I needed GRASS, and did not use OziExplorer from start: I hoped not to have to use OziExlorer. And knowing a bit what a GIS does is also fine. And it can do a lot of warping around the map to get rid of distortions...)
Next Step: get the maps of the Virgen-Valley onto my mobile, so that I can get lost in the alps next week.
Na, herzlichen Glueckwunsch!
Haettste einfach nen Stadtplan gekauft, muesstest Du nicht mitten in der Nacht ellenlange Konvertierungsanleitungen blogifizieren...
... und wir Profis koennten noch irgendwo irgendwie mal Geld verdienen.
Der Focke
Wie jetzt Virgen-Valley next week??? Womit hast Du Dir denn das verdient? ;-)
Nimm trotzdem lieber Karte Kompass mit, Osttirol könnte sich als A... der Welt ohne Funknetz erweisen und was dann....?
Viel Spaß!
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