Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Just did the RTL test on german. Scored 16 out of 20, really bad. Punctuation and text completion 0 mistakes, guessing strange words and capitalization each 2 out of 5 wrong.

The strange words guessing is comlete nonsense. They ask for words no one ever uses... And they do not even tell you afterwards what you did wrong. And it is a bad flash animation. Just so RTL...

This seems to be the new hype in german televison. Doing the great german whatever test. There has been a fitness test, now there is a spelling test, there were these stupid germanys most intelligent people tests, working like any quizshow with questions about useless facts (what bra size has Britney Spears...). Sad to see where TV is going...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And, the best part: If you press on "do the test again" it will ask you the same questions again, only with the order of the answers permuted.

Where is the "germany's dumbest website" contest? {Oh, wait. We already had that: Elton TV}