Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Catching the last train home. You are nearly alone, just a few other lost souls are on the train. You feel somehow related to them. People on the night train are linked by strange ties, everybody is going home, arriving when all your beloved ones are asleep, your friends are at home since hours. You know, when you leave the warm and illuminated train you are in the dark, you have to walk home or take a lonely cab with a sleepy driver. The town sleeps.

Sometimes you talk to your train companions. Some of them live a boring live as you, some are interesting. Sometimes you make friends.

Sometimes nobody is there to talk, you have read your book already twice, you stare out of the window into the dark. Sometimes lights of sleeping villages hush by the window. Sometimes you pass a train in the opposite direction. You wake up by the sudden rush it makes and realise you have been dreaming along. You enter in that strange state between sleeping and being awake...

Night trains are places where worlds are created. Where Theories dawn. Where Philosophy sneaks into your mind. Where strange thoughts enter your head and sit there until the next mornig, when you wake up and realise everything just was a dream.

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