Friday, November 17, 2006

Another day...

Things positive today:

  • sent the abstract for a conference to the referees one day before the deadline.

Things negative today:

  • pissed off a nice girl I would like to meet more often.
  • bored a lot of students to death.
  • showed my incompetence at a meeting.
  • didn't write anything for my thesis.
  • lost badly at cards.
  • wrote an email to above mentioned girl which will turn out a completely bad idea and show that I am a complete idiot.
  • didn't even get drunk.

Yeeha for successful living.


nuno said...

Sugestão: trata de acrescentar à primeira lista alguns pontos tais como:

-Combinei o fim de ano;
-Marquei uma viagem a portugal para escrever a tese enquanto bebo uns copos com amigos.

Anonymous said...

Think positive:

The second list modified:

You found out that a nice girl you'd like to meet more ofter had strong feelings for you.

You followed in the footsteps of generations of physicists.

You ensured (hopefully) that someone else gets the next work assignment.

You secured another day of happy student life.

You proved experimentally that all multiplayer zero-sum games have a loser.

You showed that you have stong feelings for somebody.

You saved your drinking capacity for the weekend.

Unknown said...

Wrote a stupid e-mail whilst not drunk? Wow. Can you still pretend that you were?

Look at it this way:

a) Students deserve to suffer, and if you put any of them off doing a PhD in later life, that's a good thing.

b) You are, at least, meeting these girls. You are getting practice. The last time I met a girl I was remotely intersted in was a year ago last March - 18 months without finding anyone interesting. And she was engaged, and lived 500 miles away. So you're doing better than me ;-)

c) You have started to write your thesis...

d) Not getting drunk shows emotional maturity, is healthy and is good for your internal organs.

e) Losing badly at cards allows you to reflect that you are playing the wrong people at cards, and need to find a sucker.

f) You are not stuck in a DESY guest house, ill and unloved, trying to find a positive way of spinning that you didn't do anything for a month, because you had to write a DAQ for HADCs.

Given that f) applies to me, that's all the sympathy you get from me today. Cheer up! You could still be in DESY...

Anonymous said...


Coisas boas:

Há montes de gajas por esse mundo fora que não estão chateadas contigo.

Podes dormir sem ser interrompido (isto é uma coisa que só se aprecia quando se perde).

O fim de ano está a chegar.

Vamos todos para Barcelona curtir, sim?

Podes vir directamente connosco para Portugal, juntar-te ao clube cá de casa. Chama-se "tenho que escrever a tese e não me apetece", além de "estou farto de morar onde moro".

Assim, aturas o teu amigo e afogam a depressão em copos. :)