Saturday, April 10, 2004

Moving changes perspective. It is always interesting do discover that again. I moved to Hamburg last week (that is the reason for no posting...) and some of my views changed almost instantly. Happily living in Erlangen, thinking that it is a quite lifely city, where you could get everything you need, now living in Big City, thinking that Erlangen is kind of province, small minded and possibly boring...

Maybe I turn into a kind of bohemien, living in two cities, Erlangen and Hamburg, eternally on the move, this time not being at home in one of them, living a nomadic life. But it is nice to see everything from a fresh perspective...

I thought until recently, that within our collaboration everybody is not really at war with each other. Now being not in an remote outpost but in the very center, it looks a lot tougher than before. You have to fight, you have to publish your stuff (even internally), if you don't somebody else will get the credits. You have to do politics. Working is amazingly unproductive, because of meetings you have to show up to, even if they are not of the remotest interest to you, you have to do a lot of so called social meetings, to be known and not getting the image of boring guy, who does not want to talk to his collegues. And you have to be present in your office late in the evening, not because there is work to do, but just because.

Still have to get sorted. As I do not have Internet at home in Hamburg (nor phone, I thought it would be nice to be not so reachable...), there will be less posts here. I will do my very best not to bore you to death...

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